Course description

Unlock your potential as an iOS developer with our comprehensive Professional Certificate course. Learn to create dynamic apps from scratch, mastering the intricacies of app life cycles and state management. Dive into user interface design, ensuring intuitive and responsive app experiences. Enhance your skills by building a diverse portfolio of projects using both iOS and React Native. By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped with the expertise needed to excel in the competitive field of mobile app development.

What will i learn?

  • Gain a strong foundation in iOS development, including app creation, lifecycle management, and state handling.
  • Learn to design and implement intuitive user interfaces tailored for iOS devices.
  • Develop a portfolio of diverse projects using both native iOS and React Native to demonstrate your skills.


  • Basic programming knowledge is recommended to help understand the course content more easily.
  • Access to a Mac computer is necessary for using Xcode and building iOS applications.

Frequently asked question

No, prior experience in iOS development is not required. However, basic programming knowledge is recommended to help you understand the course material.

Yes, upon successfully completing the course, you will receive a Professional Certificate in iOS Development to showcase your skills.

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Skill level


Expiry period


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